Showing 4 result(s)

Etsy Store Updated

Its been an absolute age, but I have updated the Etsy store with paintings for sale. Please head to the store to see the newest acrylic paintings for sale. Shop I hope you see something you like 🙂


Ephemera Clusters

Today I finally got around to making some ephemera clusters, after seeing them all over Instagram and YouTube. I have to thank the artist MeadowBookJournalling for the shout out on her YouTube video because I had asked what the point was and how to use them and she made me a video! Turns out you …


June Roundup

Well firstly I have to say sorry for being away so long. It has been super easy to get out of the habit of blogging daily, or even weekly since stopping the April blog along and I have no real excuses. Being busy isn’t really a good excuse, especially when being busy is related to …


My Etsy store has launched!

The question of should I / shouldn’t has been debated for a while.  Should I open a shop to sell some of the journals I am turning out instead of just storing them in a box once they are made. Hubby and I have been talking back and forth with the question and the possibilities …