Showing 3 result(s)

Etsy Store Updated

Its been an absolute age, but I have updated the Etsy store with paintings for sale. Please head to the store to see the newest acrylic paintings for sale. Shop I hope you see something you like 🙂


Ephemera Clusters

Today I finally got around to making some ephemera clusters, after seeing them all over Instagram and YouTube. I have to thank the artist MeadowBookJournalling for the shout out on her YouTube video because I had asked what the point was and how to use them and she made me a video! Turns out you …


My Etsy store has launched!

The question of should I / shouldn’t has been debated for a while.  Should I open a shop to sell some of the journals I am turning out instead of just storing them in a box once they are made. Hubby and I have been talking back and forth with the question and the possibilities …