My latest ScrawlrBox subscription arrived, and its another good one! The theme is Geometric Shapes and Cubism. In it are three pouches of Sennelier Soft Body Acrylic paint in Blue, White and Red, a Proarte No6 Scholarcryl brush, a Koh-I-Noor Hardmouth MAGIC pencil, a Daler Rowney Acrylic Paint Pen and an A5 pad of Daler Rowney Acrylic Heavyweight Paper. An exciting box to say the least!
The Featured artist is Julien Raynaud from France. The feature card says “Julien’s art offers colourful geometrical figures inspired by his past”….
My immediate thought was WOW what a box! I love Cubism but only really know of the great Picasso, however I am sure there are many artists out there, I’m just not familiar with them so this is a great opportunity to investigate the style.
The Sennelier paints are in cute little 40ml pouches and are soft body, which I didn’t know what it meant, but to my uneducated head means “runny”. I managed to pour more out than I meant to on the first try but then I used them way too thin in the actual painting, but of course I could layer if I wanted to. I need to practice with these a little more! Initially I had a play at making swatches and trying to make different shades and tones with only these three paints. I liked the results, really good colours!
Now to start on my first “real” piece. I drew a face using the magic pencil. What a lovely pencil this is, I shall definitely have fun playing with this in future projects!

Next I primed the Acrylic Marker. It was easy to prime and the ink flowed nicely giving clean crisp lines. I suspect its an equivalent to the a Posca 5M pen, it certainly felt and acted similar. I drew over my pencil with the paint marker and in my opinion it’s a good alternative to Posca.

Then to the painting. I added some extra lines with the pencil and played at making blocks of differing colours. The acrylic is a runny, thinner paint, but it’s lovely. Sennelier are a nice brand, I have some of their heavy body paints and I like them, maybe this is why I had some thinner, streaky patches. It’s just something to get used to and be aware of when painting. I liked the results, the paint was easy to mix on the palette with the paint brush and even on the Daler Rowney paper it mixed well and didn’t dry too quickly – well, if I wasn’t being stingy with the paint at least!

Overall I really liked this box. It is a lot of fun, it contains products I mostly am aware of how to use and they’ve already been moved to my art stash collection ready for my next painting session. I am very happy with the box and with Scrawlr as a company.
All opinions expressed here are my own.
I paid for any products discussed.
I received no payment and I am not affiliated in any way with any brand mentioned herein.
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