A Sense of Place

I have finished another year of Art College with Art Academy East. Honestly, it is such a fantastic feeling, it’s been a long and significant year of learning, culminating in a final project to create a body of work that is shown to our family and friends as an exhibition.

We were asked to investigate “a sense of place” For me I resolved this as the Norfolk Coastline, and specifically, Cromer. It’s a place that means a lot to me, for many reasons, and my hope is that the collection represents my feelings in painted form.

Here I shall show the completed pieces.

I created 3 collections of work, and I am proud of the results.

Feeling the Feels


Life is a Journey

I hope you enjoy these paintings.

I, along with my peers are having a student work exhibition on 1st July at the college, invited guests will be able to view all our work and how we individually resolved “a sense of place”.

I can’t wait to showcase my work to family and friends, this is possibly the proudest I have been so far of all my achievements.


All opinions expressed here are my own.
I paid for any products discussed.
I received no payment and I am not affiliated in any way with any brand mentioned herein.

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