What a gorgeous day today has been, the sun has been shining, the birds have been cheeping, and the cat is very much lazing!
I have had time today to just sit and play, and as such I have managed to complete a journal, so I have filmed a flip-through. I didn’t add song & dance to it, I left the sounds as per the video, so you can hear me turning pages and you can hear the aeroplane going overhead and the sounds of the birds etc, apparently this is something called ASMR, I don’t understand what that means, maybe someone could enlighten me, but I see it on all sorts of videos where they have left it as “natural sounds”. Anyway the video is 5 mins long, have a look if you fancy. The journal is one of the ones from a review I did in April, by the company Mindful Giraffe. The book has lasted so well, stood up to everything I’ve thrown at it and is still very happily opening and closing and holding all the pages in. I am super happy with that journal and I’m glad I have another one to play in 🙂
I have sorted out my postcard for this months postcard swap as part of the Kick in the Creatives Facebook group. I have used one of the pictures from yesterday and added something onto the other side, I am super happy with the card.
For my birthday my hubby bought me a cotton store rack, and I haven’t used it – art not sewing has become the mainstay of my work, and I was feeling guilty that he had bought this lovely thing and I wasn’t using it. So we have attached it onto the wall, and I have used it to store some of my washi tapes. My goal now is to not buy any more tapes until the over-spill and some of this lot have been used up!… wish me luck 🙂

Sewtember day 9 Spookasem, In South Africa, it literally translates as ghost’s breath, we more commonly know it as candy floss. I am pretty sure I have only ever seen it in pink and white, I have always wanted fancy colours though!

Ohhh Im going to college tomorrow so need a good nights sleep! Cant wait to tell you all about it 🙂

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Oh I LOVE your journal flip through…all those little pockets and teeny pages and I definitely have washi tape envy! Have fun at college. <3
Yay!! How exciting!! First day of college.
May you have a wonderful day!!
Oh! Love have you used the thread holder for washi!