Showing 58 result(s)

What a day….

And no it is not a good one. It started out OK, everyone up and ready for school/work without a hitch. Kids sent off, we went for our walk. Got home after a good brisk walk to find that the Lateral Flow Test that had been done by our boy as a “you are OK …

Day 25, Saturday

Wow I cant believe we are as far as day 25 for the blog-along. I have really enjoyed being a part of this again, and getting to meet new people and catch up on blogs I had let slip. And trying to set myself up with the daily practice of writing. Last night I watched …

Friday is College Day

I’m writing this on Saturday, I am a day behind, but yesterday was college day, and last night I was exhausted and I had an evening of self indulgent TV watching, catching up on S16 of Greys Anatomy. Yes I know I’m a long way behind, but I kind of gave up TV me time …

Social Media Free Day

What a day, I genuinely took a day off social media. OK not a complete 24 hours, but most of the day. I didn’t use my laptop for anything. Everything I did today was done in the spur of the moment, listening to the radio or a podcast. Artwork, sewing and journal making as well …

leaves hang on rope

Welcome to Autumn 2021

So today is officially the first day of Autumn here in the UK. I love Autumn, I love the changing of the season, the changing colours, the hibernation of all that was bright and beautiful of summer (not that we had the best of summers) and the hunkering down heading towards winter, but lets not …