Showing 91 result(s)
Study of Van Gogh Starry Night

A Day of Art!

Well after the buzz of creating a blog post every day in September, which rolled into losing my Instagram account and also our son getting Covid at the beginning of October, meaning he was being home-schooled for 10 days, I have had a lot of time NOT arting. So yesterday when everyone left the house …

Tuesday 28th

I am a day late writing this, I am sorry, it has totally been one of those weeks. Our son is now homeschooling. All our appointments for the next 10 days have been cancelled, and we are able to send him back to school (hopefully!) next Wednesday. Yesterday was all about getting him back on …

blue white and yellow abstract painting

Day 26, Sunday

I’ts been a family day today, in that we have all been home, and not much has been done. Usual late morning and “big” breakfast. Its been a grey but warm day. Hubby carried on with his workshop make, kids had computer/tv time. And I made a start on a new “Birds Nest”, when I …

Day 25, Saturday

Wow I cant believe we are as far as day 25 for the blog-along. I have really enjoyed being a part of this again, and getting to meet new people and catch up on blogs I had let slip. And trying to set myself up with the daily practice of writing. Last night I watched …

Friday is College Day

I’m writing this on Saturday, I am a day behind, but yesterday was college day, and last night I was exhausted and I had an evening of self indulgent TV watching, catching up on S16 of Greys Anatomy. Yes I know I’m a long way behind, but I kind of gave up TV me time …